
Source code for

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
import ConfigSpace as CS
import ConfigSpace.hyperparameters as CSH
from ..utils import DeprecationHelper, EasyDict, classproperty

__all__ = ['Space', 'SimpleSpace', 'NestedSpace', 'AutoTorchObject',
           'List', 'Dict', 'Choice', 'Real', 'Int', 'Bool']

class Space(object):
    """Basic Search Space

class SimpleSpace(Space):
    """Non-nested Search Space
    def __repr__(self):
        reprstr = self.__class__.__name__
        if hasattr(self, 'lower') and hasattr(self, 'upper'):
            reprstr += ': lower={}, upper={}'.format(self.lower, self.upper)
        if hasattr(self, 'value'):
            reprstr += ': value={}'.format(self.value)
        return reprstr

    def get_hp(self, name):
        raise NotImplemented

    def hp(self):
        return self.get_hp(name='')

    def default(self):
        default = self._default if self._default else self.hp.default_value
        return default

    def default(self, value):
        self._default = value

    def rand(self):
        cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace()
        return cs.sample_configuration().get_dictionary()['']

class NestedSpace(Space):
    """Nested Search Spaces
    def sample(self, **config):

    def cs(self):
        raise NotImplemented

    def kwspaces(self):
        raise NotImplemented

    def default(self):
        config = self.cs.get_default_configuration().get_dictionary()
        return self.sample(**config)

    def rand(self):
        config = self.cs.sample_configuration().get_dictionary()
        return self.sample(**config)

class AutoTorchObject(NestedSpace):
    r"""Searchable Objects,
    created by decorating customized class or function using
    :func:`autotorch.obj` or :func:`autotorch.func` decorators.
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convenience method for interacting with AutoTorchObject.
        if not self._inited:
            self._inited = True
            self._instance = self.init()
        return self._instance.__call__(*args, **kwargs)

    def init(self):
        """Initiate a real instance for interacting with AutoTorchObject.
        config = self.cs.get_default_configuration().get_dictionary()
        return self.sample(**config)

    def cs(self):
        cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace()
        for k, v in self.kwvars.items():
            if isinstance(v, NestedSpace):
                _add_cs(cs, v.cs, k)
            elif isinstance(v, Space):
                hp = v.get_hp(name=k)
                _add_hp(cs, hp)
                _rm_hp(cs, k)
        return cs

    def kwspaces(cls):
        return cls.__init__.kwspaces

    def sample(self):
        raise NotImplemented

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'AutoTorchObject'

[docs]class List(NestedSpace): r"""A Searchable List (Nested Space) Parameters ---------- args : list a list of search spaces. Examples -------- >>> sequence = at.List( >>> at.Choice('conv3x3', 'conv5x5', 'conv7x7'), >>> at.Choice('BatchNorm', 'InstanceNorm'), >>> at.Choice('relu', 'sigmoid'), >>> ) >>> sequence.rand ['conv3x3', 'InstanceNorm', 'relu'] """ def __init__(self, *args): = [*args] def __iter__(self): for elem in yield elem def __getitem__(self, index): return[index] def __setitem__(self, index, data):[index] = data def __len__(self): return len( def __getstate__(self): return def __setstate__(self, d): = d def __getattribute__(self, s): try: x = super(List, self).__getattribute__(s) except AttributeError: pass else: return x x = return x def sample(self, **config): ret = [] kwspaces = self.kwspaces striped_keys = [k.split('.')[0] for k in config.keys()] for idx, obj in enumerate( if isinstance(obj, NestedSpace): sub_config = _strip_config_space(config, prefix=str(idx)) ret.append(obj.sample(**sub_config)) elif isinstance(obj, SimpleSpace): ret.append(config[str(idx)]) else: ret.append(obj) return ret @property def cs(self): cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace() for k, v in enumerate( if isinstance(v, NestedSpace): _add_cs(cs, v.cs, str(k)) elif isinstance(v, Space): hp = v.get_hp(name=str(k)) _add_hp(cs, hp) return cs @property def kwspaces(self): kw_spaces = OrderedDict() for idx, obj in enumerate( k = str(idx) if isinstance(obj, NestedSpace): kw_spaces[k] = obj for sub_k, sub_v in obj.kwspaces.items(): new_k = '{}.{}'.format(k, sub_k) kw_spaces[new_k] = sub_v elif isinstance(obj, Space): kw_spaces[k] = obj return kw_spaces def __repr__(self): reprstr = self.__class__.__name__ + str( return reprstr
[docs]class Dict(NestedSpace): """A Searchable Dict (Nested Space) Examples -------- >>> g = at.Dict( >>> key1=at.Choice('alpha', 'beta'), >>> key2=at.Int(0, 3), >>> ) >>> g.rand {'key1': 'alpha', 'key2': 1} """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): = EasyDict(kwargs) def __getattribute__(self, s): try: x = super(Dict, self).__getattribute__(s) except AttributeError: pass else: return x x = return x def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, data):[key] = data def __getstate__(self): return def __setstate__(self, d): = d @property def cs(self): cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace() for k, v in if isinstance(v, NestedSpace): _add_cs(cs, v.cs, k) elif isinstance(v, Space): hp = v.get_hp(name=k) _add_hp(cs, hp) return cs @property def kwspaces(self): kw_spaces = OrderedDict() for k, obj in if isinstance(obj, NestedSpace): kw_spaces[k] = obj for sub_k, sub_v in obj.kwspaces.items(): new_k = '{}.{}'.format(k, sub_k) kw_spaces[new_k] = sub_v kw_spaces[new_k] = sub_v elif isinstance(obj, Space): kw_spaces[k] = obj return kw_spaces def sample(self, **config): ret = {} ret.update( kwspaces = self.kwspaces kwspaces.update(config) striped_keys = [k.split('.')[0] for k in config.keys()] for k, v in kwspaces.items(): if k in striped_keys: if isinstance(v, NestedSpace): sub_config = _strip_config_space(config, prefix=k) ret[k] = v.sample(**sub_config) else: ret[k] = v return ret def __repr__(self): reprstr = self.__class__.__name__ + str( return reprstr
[docs]class Choice(NestedSpace): """Choice Search Space (Nested Space) Add example for conditional space. Parameters ---------- data : Space or python built-in objects the choice candidates Examples -------- >>> a = at.Choice('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') >>> a.rand 'a' """ def __init__(self, *data): = [*data] def __iter__(self): for elem in yield elem def __getitem__(self, index): return[index] def __setitem__(self, index, data):[index] = data def __len__(self): return len( @property def cs(self): cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace() if len( == 0: return CS.ConfigurationSpace() hp = CSH.CategoricalHyperparameter(name='choice', choices=range(len( _add_hp(cs, hp) for i, v in enumerate( if isinstance(v, NestedSpace): _add_cs(cs, v.cs, str(i)) return cs def sample(self, **config): choice = config.pop('choice') if isinstance([choice], NestedSpace): # nested space: Choice of AutoTorchobjects min_config = _strip_config_space(config, prefix=str(choice)) return[choice].sample(**min_config) else: return[choice] @property def kwspaces(self): kw_spaces = OrderedDict() for idx, obj in enumerate( if isinstance(obj, NestedSpace): for sub_k, sub_v in obj.kwspaces.items(): new_k = '{}.{}'.format(idx, sub_k) kw_spaces[new_k] = sub_v return kw_spaces def __repr__(self): reprstr = self.__class__.__name__ + str( return reprstr
[docs]class Real(SimpleSpace): """linear search space. Parameters ---------- lower : float the lower bound of the search space upper : float the upper bound of the search space default : float (optional) default value log : (True/False) search space in log scale Examples -------- >>> learning_rate = at.Real(0.01, 0.1, log=True) >>> learning_rate.rand 0.013396492756434304 """ def __init__(self, lower, upper, default=None, log=False): self.lower = lower self.upper = upper self.log = log self._default = default def get_hp(self, name): return CSH.UniformFloatHyperparameter(name=name, lower=self.lower, upper=self.upper, default_value=self._default, log=self.log)
[docs]class Int(SimpleSpace): """integer search space. Parameters ---------- lower : int the lower bound of the search space upper : int the upper bound of the search space default : int (optional) default value Examples -------- >>> range = at.Int(0, 100) >>> range.rand 82 """ def __init__(self, lower, upper, default=None): self.lower = lower self.upper = upper self._default = default def get_hp(self, name): return CSH.UniformIntegerHyperparameter(name=name, lower=self.lower, upper=self.upper, default_value=self._default)
[docs]class Bool(Choice): """Bool Search Space Examples -------- >>> pretrained = at.Bool() >>> pretrained.rand False """ def __init__(self): super(Bool, self).__init__(True, False)
def _strip_config_space(config, prefix): # filter out the config with the corresponding prefix new_config = {} for k, v in config.items(): if k.startswith(prefix): new_config[k[len(prefix)+1:]] = v return new_config def _add_hp(cs, hp): if in cs._hyperparameters: cs._hyperparameters[] = hp else: cs.add_hyperparameter(hp) def _add_cs(master_cs, sub_cs, prefix, delimiter='.', parent_hp=None): new_parameters = [] for hp in sub_cs.get_hyperparameters(): new_parameter = copy.deepcopy(hp) # Allow for an empty top-level parameter if == '': = prefix elif not prefix == '': = "%s%s%s" % (prefix, '.', new_parameters.append(new_parameter) for hp in new_parameters: _add_hp(master_cs, hp) def _rm_hp(cs, k): if k in cs._hyperparameters: cs._hyperparameters.pop(k) for hp in cs.get_hyperparameters(): if"%s."%(k)): cs._hyperparameters.pop(

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