
Source code for autotorch.scheduler.hyperband

import pickle
import logging
import threading
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp

from .fifo import FIFOScheduler
from .hyperband_stopping import HyperbandStopping_Manager
from .hyperband_promotion import HyperbandPromotion_Manager
from .reporter import DistStatusReporter, DistSemaphore
from ..utils import DeprecationHelper

__all__ = ['HyperbandScheduler', 'HyperbandStopping_Manager', 'HyperbandPromotion_Manager']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HyperbandScheduler(FIFOScheduler): r"""Implements different variants of asynchronous Hyperband See 'type' for the different variants. One implementation detail is when using multiple brackets, task allocation to bracket is done randomly based on a softmax probability. Parameters ---------- train_fn : callable A task launch function for training. args : object, optional Default arguments for launching train_fn. resource : dict Computation resources. For example, `{'num_cpus':2, 'num_gpus':1}` searcher : object, optional Autotorch searcher. For example, :class:`autotorch.searcher.RandomSearcher` time_attr : str A training result attr to use for comparing time. Note that you can pass in something non-temporal such as `training_epoch` as a measure of progress, the only requirement is that the attribute should increase monotonically. reward_attr :str The training result objective value attribute. As with `time_attr`, this may refer to any objective value. Stopping procedures will use this attribute. max_t : float max time units per task. Trials will be stopped after max_t time units (determined by time_attr) have passed. grace_period : float Only stop tasks at least this old in time. Also: min_t. The units are the same as the attribute named by `time_attr`. reduction_factor : float Used to set halving rate and amount. This is simply a unit-less scalar. brackets : int Number of brackets. Each bracket has a different grace period, all share max_t and reduction_factor. If brackets == 1, we just run successive halving, for brackets > 1, we run Hyperband. type : str Type of Hyperband scheduler: stopping: See :class:`HyperbandStopping_Manager`. Tasks and config evals are tightly coupled. A task is stopped at a milestone if worse than most others, otherwise it continues. As implemented in Ray/Tune: promotion: See :class:`HyperbandPromotion_Manager`. A config eval may be associated with multiple tasks over its lifetime. It is never terminated, but may be paused. Whenever a task becomes available, it may promote a config to the next milestone, if better than most others. If no config can be promoted, a new one is chosen. This variant may benefit from pause&resume, which is not directly supported here. As proposed in this paper (termed ASHA): keep_size_ratios : bool Implemented for type 'promotion' only. If True, promotions are done only if the (current estimate of the) size ratio between rung and next rung are 1 / reduction_factor or better. This avoids higher rungs to get more populated than they would be in synchronous Hyperband. A drawback is that promotions to higher rungs take longer. maxt_pending : bool Relevant only if a model-based searcher is used. If True, register pending config at level max_t whenever a new evaluation is started. This has a direct effect on the acquisition function (for model-based variant), which operates at level max_t. On the other hand, it decreases the variance of the latent process there. NOTE: This could also be removed... dist_ip_addrs : list of str IP addresses of remote machines. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import autotorch as at >>> >>> @at.args( ... lr=at.Real(1e-3, 1e-2, log=True), ... wd=at.Real(1e-3, 1e-2)) >>> def train_fn(args, reporter): ... print('lr: {}, wd: {}'.format(, args.wd)) ... for e in range(10): ... dummy_accuracy = 1 - np.power(1.8, -np.random.uniform(e, 2*e)) ... reporter(epoch=e, accuracy=dummy_accuracy,, wd=args.wd) >>> scheduler = at.scheduler.HyperbandScheduler(train_fn, ... resource={'num_cpus': 2, 'num_gpus': 0}, ... num_trials=20, ... reward_attr='accuracy', ... time_attr='epoch', ... grace_period=1) >>> >>> scheduler.join_jobs() >>> scheduler.get_training_curves(plot=True) """ def __init__(self, train_fn, args=None, resource=None, searcher=None, search_options=None, checkpoint='./exp/', resume=False, num_trials=None, time_out=None, max_reward=1.0, time_attr="epoch", reward_attr="accuracy", max_t=100, grace_period=10, reduction_factor=4, brackets=1, visualizer='none', type='stopping', dist_ip_addrs=None, keep_size_ratios=False, maxt_pending=False): super().__init__( train_fn=train_fn, args=args, resource=resource, searcher=searcher, search_options=search_options, checkpoint=checkpoint, resume=resume, num_trials=num_trials, time_out=time_out, max_reward=max_reward, time_attr=time_attr, reward_attr=reward_attr, visualizer=visualizer, dist_ip_addrs=dist_ip_addrs) self.max_t = max_t self.type = type self.maxt_pending = maxt_pending if type == 'stopping': self.terminator = HyperbandStopping_Manager( time_attr, reward_attr, max_t, grace_period, reduction_factor, brackets) elif type == 'promotion': self.terminator = HyperbandPromotion_Manager( time_attr, reward_attr, max_t, grace_period, reduction_factor, brackets, keep_size_ratios=keep_size_ratios) else: raise AssertionError( "type '{}' not supported, must be 'stopping' or 'promotion'".format( type))
[docs] def add_job(self, task, **kwargs): """Adding a training task to the scheduler. Args: task (:class:`autotorch.scheduler.Task`): a new training task Relevant entries in kwargs: - bracket: HB bracket to be used. Has been sampled in _promote_config - new_config: If True, task starts new config eval, otherwise it promotes a config (only if type == 'promotion') Only if new_config == False: - config_key: Internal key for config - resume_from: config promoted from this milestone - milestone: config promoted to this milestone (next from resume_from) """ cls = HyperbandScheduler if not task.resources.is_ready: cls.RESOURCE_MANAGER._request(task.resources) # reporter and terminator reporter = DistStatusReporter(remote=task.resources.node) task.args['reporter'] = reporter milestones = self.terminator.on_task_add(task, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('new_config', True): first_milestone = milestones[-1] logger.debug("Adding new task (first milestone = {}):\n{}".format( first_milestone, task)) self.searcher.register_pending( task.args['config'], first_milestone) if self.maxt_pending: # Also introduce pending evaluation for resource max_t final_milestone = milestones[0] if final_milestone != first_milestone: self.searcher.register_pending( task.args['config'], final_milestone) else: # Promotion of config # This is a signal towards train_fn, in case it supports # pause and resume: task.args['resume_from'] = kwargs['resume_from'] next_milestone = kwargs['milestone'] logger.debug("Promotion task (next milestone = {}):\n{}".format( next_milestone, task)) self.searcher.register_pending( task.args['config'], next_milestone) # main process job = cls._start_distributed_job(task, cls.RESOURCE_MANAGER) # reporter thread rp = threading.Thread(target=self._run_reporter, args=(task, job, reporter, self.searcher, self.terminator), daemon=False) rp.start() task_dict = self._dict_from_task(task) task_dict.update({'Task': task, 'Job': job, 'ReporterThread': rp}) # checkpoint thread if self._checkpoint is not None: def _save_checkpoint_callback(fut): self._cleaning_tasks() job.add_done_callback(_save_checkpoint_callback) with self.LOCK: self.scheduled_tasks.append(task_dict)
def _run_reporter(self, task, task_job, reporter, searcher, terminator): last_result = None last_updated = None while not task_job.done(): reported_result = reporter.fetch() if 'traceback' in reported_result: logger.exception(reported_result['traceback']) reporter.move_on() terminator.on_task_remove(task) break if reported_result.get('done', False): reporter.move_on() terminator.on_task_complete(task, last_result) break # Call before _add_training_results, since we may be able to report # extra information from the bracket task_continues, update_searcher, next_milestone, bracket_id, rung_counts = \ terminator.on_task_report(task, reported_result) reported_result['bracket'] = bracket_id if rung_counts is not None: for k, v in rung_counts.items(): key = 'count_at_{}'.format(k) reported_result[key] = v self._add_training_result( task.task_id, reported_result, config=task.args['config']) if update_searcher and task_continues: # Update searcher with intermediate result # Note: If task_continues is False here, we also call # searcher.update, but outside the loop. searcher.update( config=task.args['config'], reward=reported_result[self._reward_attr], **reported_result) last_updated = reported_result if next_milestone is not None: searcher.register_pending( task.args['config'], next_milestone) last_result = reported_result if task_continues: reporter.move_on() else: # Note: The 'terminated' signal is sent even in the promotion # variant. It means that the *task* terminates, while the evaluation # of the config is just paused last_result['terminated'] = True if self.type == 'stopping' or \ reported_result[self._time_attr] >= self.max_t: act_str = 'terminating' else: act_str = 'pausing' logger.debug( 'Stopping task ({} evaluation, resource = {}):\n{}'.format( act_str, reported_result[self._time_attr], task)) terminator.on_task_remove(task) reporter.terminate() #task_process.join() break # Pass all of last_result to searcher (unless this has already been # done) if last_result is not last_updated: last_result['done'] = True searcher.update( config=task.args['config'], reward=last_result[self._reward_attr], **last_result)
[docs] def state_dict(self, destination=None): """Returns a dictionary containing a whole state of the Scheduler Examples -------- >>>, '') """ destination = super().state_dict(destination) destination['terminator'] = pickle.dumps(self.terminator) return destination
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): """Load from the saved state dict. Examples -------- >>> scheduler.load_state_dict(at.load('')) """ super().load_state_dict(state_dict) self.terminator = pickle.loads(state_dict['terminator'])'Loading Terminator State {}'.format(self.terminator))
def _promote_config(self): config, extra_kwargs = self.terminator.on_task_schedule() return config, extra_kwargs def __repr__(self): reprstr = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + \ 'terminator: ' + str(self.terminator) return reprstr

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